
The ‘too-good-to-be-true news’ of Jesus Christ is the GOSPEL OF GRACE

Receive a fresh revelation of the goodness of God, the majesty of Jesus, and the perfectly complete work of the cross through this gospel.

God’s power for salvation – for your forgiveness, healing, deliverance and provision – is revealed in the good news of grace

Romans 1:16 – I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

Grace is a PERSON who loves you, died for you, and now lives for you

To the degree that we know Jesus, we enjoy God’s grace (1 Peter 2:1).



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S-a terminat!

De aceea, după ce Isus a luat oţetul, a spus: S-a sfârşit; şi, plecându-şi capul, şi-a dat duhul (Ioan 19:30) Imaginează-ți că te uiți la faimoasa pictură Mona Lisa a…

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